Greco-Roman Religion and Christianity
?Seeking to overturn an attitude towards Greco-Roman religion epitomized in Tertullian''s famous rejection of Athens, Johnson demonstrates four ways of being religious that were common to Greeks, Romans, Jews, and early Christians. The work is important not only for the study of ancient religion, but for inter-faith dialogue today. Greg Sterling, University of Notre Dame -- Greg Sterling ?A remarkable synthesis that challenges reigning assumptions about early Christianity's relationship to the Graeco-Roman world, this book proposes new analytical categories to advance and enliven the ongoing ?Christ and culture? debate. Carl R. Holladay, Emory University -- Carl R. Holladay ?Luke Johnson, a contrarian of the most constructive kind, defying all the usual categories, looks at the age-old story of Christianity's ?triumph? over ?paganism? and turns it topsy turvy. A provocative and deeply humane book, to be savored and argued with. Wayne A. Meeks, author of First Urban Christians -- Wayne A. Meeks ?In this important, well-documented, and challenging book, Johnson shows forcefully how demonizing and deprecating other religions has not served early Christianity well in the past, obscured its development, and has left a pernicious legacy. Frederick E. Brenk, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome -- Frederick E. Brenk "A stunning achievement."--David L./i>--David L. Balch "The Catholic Biblical Quarterly " "The author''s discussion of the religious symphony that is polytheism is very helpful and clear--this is by no means usual and is to be applauded. . . . This volume is a valuable edition to the Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library. It is richly annotated, provoking thought and questions and providing the notes and resources needed to pursue those questions further. I believe it achieves the author''s goal of presenting Greco-Roman religious practice and sensibility without the Christian apologetics and value judgments that have so often obscured the appreciation of this rich and unique tradition."--Lynn Lidonnici, "Journal of Church History"--Lynn Lidonnici "Journal of Church History " "Outstanding"--Martin W. Mittelstadt, "Religious Studies Review" --Martin W. Mittelstadt "Religious Studies Review " "Who will fail to benefit from this stimulatingly provocative contribution from Luke Timothy Johnson?" James D.G./i>--James D.G. Dunn "Interpretation "" Outstanding Martin W./i>--Martin W. Mittelstadt "Religious Studies Review "" "A stunning achievement." David L./i>--David L. Balch "The Catholic Biblical Quarterly "" One of those rare books that is at once an excellent reference work and a great read . . . it promises to change the way most of us understand early Christianity. --;i>Christian Century --Timothy Beal "Christian Century "" In this important, well-documented, and challenging book, Johnson shows forcefully how demonizing and deprecating other religions has not served early Christianity well in the past, obscured its development, and has left a pernicious legacy. Frederick E. Brenk, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome --Frederick E. Brenk" Seeking to overturn an attitude towards Greco-Roman religion epitomized in Tertullian's famous rejection of Athens, Johnson demonstrates four ways of being religious that were common to Greeks, Romans, Jews, and early Christians. The work is important not only for the study of ancient religion, but for inter-faith dialogue today. GregoryE.Sterling, University of Notre Dame --Gregory E. Sterling" "The author's discussion of the religious symphony that is polytheism is very helpful and clear this is by no means usual and is to be applauded. . . . This volume is a valuable edition to the Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library. It is richly annotated, provoking thought and questions and providing the notes and
Luke Timothy Johnson is the R. W. Woodruff Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Candler School of Theology and a Senior Fellow at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University.