Yifei Sun, Maximilian von Zedtwitz, Denis Fred Simon
Technology Upgrading in the Development of Regional Economies John W. Medcof. Globalization of R&D: Policy Implications for Host Countries Prasada Reddy. Science and Technology Takeoff in China?: Sources of Rising R&D Intensity Jian Gao and Gary H. Jefferson. Knowledge and Innovation in China: Historical Legacies and Institutional Reform Erik Baark. Foreign R&D Investment in China Jon Sigurdson. Foreign R&D in China: Drivers, Dynamics, and New Directions Kathleen Walsh. Why It All Came Together in China: The Evolution of Multinationals Regional Innovation Networks in China Yun-Chung Chen. Uncertainties, Imitating Behaviours and Foreign R&D Location: Explaining the Over-Concentration of Foreign R&D in Beijing and Shanghai within China Yifei Sun and Ke Wen. Barriers for Foreign R&D in China Ke Wen and Yifei Sun. Globalization of Technology and the Evolving Chinese R&D System Denis Fred Simon