Oliver D. Crisp is Professor of Analytic Theology, and Director of the Logos Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Theology, at the University of St Andrews, UK. Joshua Cockayne is Mission Lead at Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane, Leeds, and an honorary research fellow at St Mary's College, University of St Andrews, UK. Jonathan C. Rutledge is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Center for Philosophy of Religion, University of Notre Dame, USA.
Introduction Chapter 1: Analytic Method 1. William Wood, Oxford University Trajectories, Traditions, and Tools in Analytic Theology 2. Sarah Coakley, University of Cambridge On Why Analytic Theology is Not a Club 3. Oliver D. Crisp, University of St Andrews Analytic Theology as Systematic Theology Chapter 2: Revelation, Scripture, and Tradition 4. Sameer Yadav, Westmont College Christian Doctrine and Ontological Commitment 5. Michael C. Rea, University of Notre Dame Authority and Truth 6. Steven Nemes, Fuller Theological Seminary On the Priority of Tradition: An Exercise in Analytic Theology Chapter 3: The Trinity 7. H. E. Baber, University of San Diego The Trinity: Relative Identity a Redux 8. Thomas H. McCall, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Trinity Plain and Simple 9. Richard Cross, University of Notre Dame Two Models of the Trinity? Chapter 4: The Incarnation 10. Timothy Pawl, University of Saint Thomas A Solution to the Fundamental Philosophical Problem of Christology 11. Thomas Senor, University of Arkansas Drawing on Many Traditions: An Ecumenical Kenotic Christology 12. Katherin A. Rogers, University of Delaware The Incarnation as Action Composite Chapter 5: Hamartiology 13. Jonathan C. Rutledge, University of St Andrews Original Sin, the Fall, and Epistemic Self-Trust 14. Hud Hudson, Western Washington University Fission, Freedom, and the Fall 15. Marilyn McCord Adams Sin as Uncleanness Chapter 6: The Atonement 16. Eleonore Stump, Saint Louis University The Atonement and the Problem of Shame 17. Tim Bayne & Greg Restall, University of Manchester & University of Melbourne A Participatory Model of the Atonement 18. Mark C. Murphy, Georgetown University Not Penal Substitution but Vicarious Punishment Chapter 7: Eschatology 19. James T. Turner, Jr., Anderson University On Two Reasons Christian Theologians Should Reject the Intermediate State 20. Timothy Pawl & Kevin Timpe, University of Saint Thomas & Calvin University Incompatibilism, Sin, and Free Will in Heaven 21. Jonathan L. Kvanvig, Washington University in St. Louis Losing Your Soul Chapter 8: Liturgy & Sacraments 22. Joshua Cockayne, University of St Andrews Inclusive Worship and Group Liturgical Action 23. Nicholas Wolterstorff, Yale University With One Accord: The Communal Dimension of Liturgical Action 24. James M. Arcadi, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Impanation, Incarnation, and Enabling Externalism 25. Terence Cuneo, University of Vermont Rites of Remission Bibliography Index