Ian Griffiths is an independent consultant specializing in medical imaging applications and digital video. He also works as an instructor, teaching courses on .NET for DevelopMentor. Ian holds a degree in Computer Science from Cambridge University.
Preface; I. Introduction to Windows Forms; 1. .NET and Windows Forms Overview; Windows Development and .NET; The Common Language Runtime; .NET Programming Languages; Components; The .NET Type System; The .NET Framework Class Library; 2. Controls; Windows Forms and the Control Class; Using Standard Control Features; Built-in Controls; 3. Forms, Containers, and Applications; Application Structure; The Form Class; Containment; Layout; Localization; Extender Providers; 4. Menus and Toolbars; Menus; Toolbars; Unified Event Handling; Office-Style Menus and Toolbars; 5. Building Controls; Composite Controls; Custom Controls; Designing for Developers; 6. Inheritance and Reuse; When to Inherit; Inheriting from Forms and User Controls; Inheriting from Other Controls; Pitfalls of Inheritance; 7. Redrawing and GDI+; Drawing and Controls; GDI+; 8. Property Grids; Displaying Simple Objects; Type Conversion; Custom Type Editors; 9. Controls and the IDE; Design Time Versus Runtime; Custom Component Designers; Extender Providers; 10. Data Binding; Data Sources and Bindings; Simple and Complex Binding; DataTable, DataSet, and Friends; The DataGrid Control; The DataView Class; II. API Quick Reference; 11. How to Use This Quick Reference; Finding a Quick-Reference Entry; Reading a Quick-Reference Entry; 12. Converting from C# to VB Syntax General Considerations; Classes; Structures; Interfaces; Class, Structure, and Interface Members; Delegates; Enumerations; 13. The System. ComponentModel Namespace; 14. The System. Drawing Namespace; 15. The System.Drawing.Drawing2D Namespace; 16. The System. Drawing. Imaging Namespace; 17. The System. Drawing. Printing Namespace 18. The System. Drawing. Text Namespace; 19. The System. Windows. Forms Namespace; 20. The System. Windows. Forms. Design Namespace; III. Appendixes; A. Namespaces and Assemblies; B. Type, Method, Property, Event, and Field Index; Index.