Stephen Regan is Tutor in Literature at Ruskin College, Oxford. His publications include a book on Philip Larkin and he is the editor of The Politics of Pleasure: Aesthetics and Cultural Theory. Elaine Treharne is Lecturer in English Language at the University of Leicester.
Part I: The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory: 1. Critical Theory: General: S. Sim (University of Sunderland). 2. Rhetoric and Deconstruction: R. Jarvis (University of the West of England, Bristol). 3. Psychoanalysis: V. Lebeau (University of Sussex). 4. Feminism: S. Mills (University of Loughborough) with V. Bell; L. Brimstone; K. Burlinson; J. Goldman; H. Ingman; V. Kolocotroni; M. Metzstein; A. Sandhu. 5. Historicism: T. Pinkney (University of Lancaster). 6. Colonial Discourse/Postcolonial Theory: P. Williams (Nottingham Trent University). 7. Art History: J. Harris (Leeds Metropolitan University). 8. Popular Music: D. Buckley, Neubiberg. Books Received (for 1992). Part II: Barbarian at the Gate: Essays in Honour of Terry Eagleton: 9. The Ballad of Terry Eagleton: F. Eden. 10. The December Group: Terry Eagleton and the New Left Church: A. Cunningham (University of Lancaster). 11. Memories of Underdevelopment: Teaching Shakespeare in 1969: P. O'Flinn (Oxford Brookes University). 12. Changes: A Critical Survey of Terry Eagleton's Work: G. Wade, Athens. 13. The Sign of Value: Reflections on Eagleton and Aesthetic Value: E. Larrissy (University of Warwick). 14. The Poetry of the Meantime: Terry Eagleton and the Politics of Style: S. Connor (Birbeck College, London). 15. Ideology: A Review: C. Norris (University of Wales, College of Cardiff). 16. Brother Tel: The Politics of Eagletonism: W. Maley (Queen Mary and Westfield College, London). 17. Iron on the Shoulder: For Young Terry at 50: A. Easthope (Manchester Metropolitan University). 18. For a Pilgrim of Hope: J. Goode. Index to Part I.