We all think we know what love is. We know it from the songs, romantic comedies and stories that we have been told since childhood. But what if love is not what we have been taught to believe? How can we transcend the idea of love that has been instilled in us, and how can we overcome the habits of a lifetime and discover a pure, unconditional love? Don Miguel Ruiz and Barbara Emrys show us that it is possible to love others and ourselves much more authentically and generously. One by one, Don pulls back the veils that prevent us from glimpsing the true nature of love so that we can transcend the idea that has been programmed into us. Through the transformative power of awareness and attention, we will learn to see beyond our stories about lovethose that we are told, but also those that we tell ourselvesso that we can change the way we think and react. Once you set the illusions aside, you can see yourself as pure energy and also decide where to direct that energy. And when theenergy of love rules your existence, amazing transformations are possible in every moment...