Education Across the Lifespan
'This book is a comprehensive overview of views about lifelong learning. It provides essential/interesting background reading for distance educators ... This collection is a major contribution to lifelong learning discourse and thinking and should also be to development policy.' - Michael Richardson, Open Learning 'There is a rapidly expanding literature on lifelong learning. This book is a very useful contribution to the literature, particularly from the perspective of the UK ... [It] is recommended for policymakers, practitioners and researchers interested in this key topic of educational development.' - International Journal of Education Development
John Field, Mal Leicester
Introduction John Field and Mal Leicester THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES: Lifelong Learning, Lifelong Learning, Lifelong Learning - A Recurrent Education? Richard Evans Adult Cognition as a Dimension of Lifelong Learning Stephen Brookfield Learnign, Work and Community: vocational studies and social values in the learning age Terry Hyland The Evolution of the Learning Society: brain science, social science and lifelong learning Jack Cohen and Mal Leicester Rights and Obligations: values in lifelong learnign as a political programme Ken Lawson Learning for Living: opportunities and approaches within the school curriculum Val Millman INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES: Lifelong Learning for a New Society: the South African case Shirley Pendlebury and Penny Enslin Confucianism, Cultural Revolution adn Corporate Classrooms: China's attempts at a 'Learning Society' John Morgan Lifelong Learning in Australia David Aspin, John Collard and Judith Chapman Lifelong Learning: a North American perspective Robin Barrow and Patrick Keeney Education, Training and Adult Refugees in the UK and Australia Janet Hannah Life Politics and Popular Learning Jane Thompson The Corporate University Peter Jarvis Lifelong Learning and Policy Formation in Europe John Field PERSPECTIVES ON INCLUSION: Lifelong Learnign and Voluntary Organisations Konrad Elsdon Reflections on Lifelong Learning and the Third Age Alex Withnall Black and Other Minority Communities' Learning Needs Alyson Malach Inclusive Learning for Active 'Citizenship': disability, learning difficulties and lifelong learning Mary Stuart Community Education and Lifelong Learning: local spice for global fare? Rennie Johnston Ageing with Technology: adult viability in a Technological World Jane McKie Care or Control? Defining learners' needs for lifelong learning Kathryn Ecclestone L