Literary art and relationality, Darren J. N. Middleton. Process thought and literary theory: Reading in the modern wake, Andrew W. Hass; Derrida and Whitehead, Timothy Mooney; Concretizing concrete experience, Santiago Sia; Whitehead's hermeneutical cosmology, Ren P. H. Munnik. Process thought and literature: Suffering and surrender in the midst of divine persuasion, Aliman Sears; Promethean atheism, Barry L. Whitney; Sticky evil - Macbeth and the karma of the equivocal, William Desmond; Graham Greene's Teilhardian vision, Darren J. N. Middleton; Nikos Kazantzakis, Bergson and God, Daniel A. Dombrowski; Jacob Boehme and the Romantic roots of process thought, Lewis Owens; Denise Levertov's poetics of process, Bobby Caudle Rogers. Process poesis: A place and a moment - one poem about becoming, Christina K. Hutchins.