Essays in Honor of Ruth C. Carter
Robert P. Holley, PhD, MLIS, is Professor of Library and Information Science at Wayne State University, Detroit, where he is also a former Director of the LIS Program and Associate and Interim Dean of University Libraries. He is the editor of numerous collections, along with many articles. Widely published in the areas of collection development, the out-of-print book market, intellectual freedom, and various Internet-related topics, he is one of the founding members of the IFLA Section on Classification and Indexing.
Introduction PART I: IN HONOR OF DR. RUTH CARTER The Story of Ruth: The Life and Contributions of Ruth C. Carter (Kathryn Luther Henderson) An Interview with Ruth Carter (Ruth Carter and Linda C. Ewbank) Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 1990-2006 (Sandra K. Roe, Rebecca Culbertson, and Laurel Jizba) In Honor of Ruth C. Carter (Sheila S. Intner) PART II: HISTORICAL STUDIES Books and Other Reading Materials in Early Monroe County, Indiana (Martin D. Joachim) Annotation: A Lost Art in Cataloguing (J. H. Bowman) Twenty-five Years of Bibliographic Control Research at the University of Bradford (F. H. Ayres and J. M. Ridley) International Cataloguing Tradition and Italian Rules: Common Ground and Specific Features (Carlo Bianchini and Mauro Guerrini) PART III: RESEARCH STUDIES Technical Services and Tenure Impediments and Strategies (Janet Swann Hill) The Works Phenomenon and Best Selling Books (Richard P. Smiraglia) Measuring Typographical Errors Impact on Retrieval in Bibliographic Databases (Jeffrey Beall and Karen Kafadar) Error Rates in Monograph Copy Cataloging Bibliographic Records Before and After Outsourcing at the University of Saskatchewan Library (Vinh-The Lam) Meeting the Needs of Special Format Catalogers: Ideas for Professional Organizations, Library Schools, and Professional Catalogers (Robert L. Bothmann) Copy Cataloging for Print and Video Monographs in Two Academic Libraries: A Case Study of Editing Required for Accuracy and Completeness (Carolynne Myall and Sydney Chambers) Are Technical Services Topics Underrepresented in the Contributed Papers at the ACRL National Conferences? (Robert P. Holley) PART IV: POSITION PAPERS Quo Vadis Cataloging? (Elizabeth N. Steinhagen, Mary Ellen Hanson, and Sharon A. Moynahan) Principia Bibliographica? Balancing Principles, Practice, and Pragmatics in a Changing Digital Environment (Dick R. Miller) Cataloging Compared to Descriptive Bibliography, Abstracting and Indexing Services, and Metadata (Martha M. Yee) Knowledge Structures and the Internet: Progress and Prospects (Nancy J. Williamson) Numbers to Identify Entities (ISADNsInternational Standard Authority Data Numbers) (Barbara B. Tillett) When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Pick It Up: A Case Study in Managing by Self-Responsibility (Lyn Condron) Index Reference Notes Included