Post-Cold War Challenges
Introduction: Africa in world politics - amidst renewal, deepening crisis, John W. Harbeson. Part 1 Parameters of African peripheralization: the heritage of colonialism, Crawford Young; Africa and the world political economy - still caught between a rock and a hard place, Thomas M. Callaghy; Africa and other civilizations - conquest and counter-conquest, Ali A. Mazrui; dependent by default - Africa's relations with the European Union, John Ravenhill. Part 2 Regional theatres of African international relations: post-Cold War politics in the Horn of Africa - the quest for political identity intensified, J.W. Harbeson; South Africa and southern Africa after apartheid, Jeffrey Herbst; francophone Africa in the context of Franco-African relations, Guy Martin; the Lagos Three: economic regionalism in Sub-Saharan Africa, Carol Lancaster. Part 3 Major issues: the United States and conflict management in Africa, Donald Rothchild; inter-African negotiation, I. William Zartman; promoting democracy in Africa - US and international politics in transition, Larry Diamond; political and military security, Herman J. Cohen; reconciling sovereignty with responsibility - a basis for international humanitarian action, Francis M. Deng.