Agropastoral Systems Research
Part 1 A decade of research in the SR-CRSP sociology project, Constance M. McCorkle. Part 2 Agropastoral systems - form and functioning: integration versus conflict - crops and goats in Piura, Peru, Avi Perevolotsky; the role of goats in agropastoral production systems of the Brazilian Sertao, George Primov; range-animal ecology and agropastoralism in Morocco's Western High Atlas mountains, Lloyd Mendes and Hamid Narjisse; the agropastoral dialectic and the organization of labour in a Quechua community, C.M. McCorkle; the social organization of production in community-based agropastoralism in the Andes, Maria E. Fernandez. Part 3 Agropastoral systems change and development: The impact of alfalfa introduction on common field agropastoral regimes - Quechua villagers in south-western Peru, David W. Guillet; outreach pilot project - small ruminant research and extension in West Java, Paula Bilinsky and Mark Gaylord; women, men, goats and bureaucrats - the Samia Women's Dairy Goat Project, Amanda Noble; population pressure and changing agropastoral management strategies in Western Kenya, W.Thomas Conelly; the transformation of the Kenyan agrarian sector - the case of Western Kenya, Nkonge Mbabu.