Race and the Emergence of United States Cinema
Star Trek is an enduring icon in American popular culture. For many viewers, the science fiction series represents the bold exploration of the unknown and the humanistic respect of the foreign and the alien. In fact, it is Star Trek's vision ...
2012 Outstanding Co-Authored Book of the Year by the 2013 Distinguished Scholarship Awards Committee for the International and Intercultural Communication Division (IICD) of the National Communication Association (NCA) Islamic extremism is the dom...
The Birth of Whiteness also offers some startling and innovative research into an ill-preserved and almost forgotten era in film. * Cineaste * This seminal anthology explores how the stylistic and institutional development of classical Hollywood cinema went hand in hand with a profound and pervasive ideological commitment to the depiction of race. -- Matthew Bernstein * coeditor of Visions of the East: Orientalism in Film *
Danielle Bernardi is a UC President's Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Film and Television at UCLA.
List of Illustrations Acknowledgments Introduction ``Perhaps Your Diet Is Too Modern'' - The Discovery of Avitaminosis ``They Need It Now'' - Popular Science and Advertising in the Interwar Period ``To Protect the Interest of the Public'' - Vitamins, Marketing, and Research ``Superior Knowledge'' - Pharmacists, Grocers, Physicians, and Linus Pauling Miles One-A-Day - The History of a Vitamin Dynasty Acnotabs - Scientific Evidence in the Marketplace ``Millions of Consumers Are Being Misled'' - The Food and Drug Administration and Consumer Protection ``Preserve Our Health Freedom'' - Science in Consumer Politics ``Intensity'' Makes the Difference - Vitamins in the Political Process Conclusion Vitamania? Vitamins in Late Twentieth-Century United States Notes Index