Central, South and Gulf Coast
Thirteen years in the making, [Buildings of Texas] will be the first comprehensive survey of the state's built environment.... The 700-plus-page book presents architectural profiles of the region's major cities--Houston, Austin and San Antonio--then hits the road in search of the unique and unexpected.... The volume features more than 300 photos by Moorhead, a noted architectural photographer, historic photos, 350 illustrations and 50 maps. --Houston Chronicle There is probably no one in Texas who is more obsessed with architecture than Gerald Moorhead, the Rice University lecturer in architecture and the architect laureate of Kazakhstan. Mr. Moorhead has been in the business of buildings for 40 years, as an architect and as an architectural journalist. --New York Times
Gerald Moorhead, FAIA, is an award-winning Houston architect, former contributing editor to Architectural Record and Texas Architect, documentary photographer for HABS/HAER and three editions of the Houston Architecture Guide, and Lecturer on Preservation at Rice University. James W. Steely is a Senior Historian/Architectural Historian with SWCA Environmental Consultants and the author of Parks for Texas: Enduring Landscapes of the New Deal. W. Dwayne Jones worked for the Texas Historical Commission and is the Executive Director of the Galveston Historical Foundation. Anna Mod, a Historic Preservation Specialist with SWCA Environmental Consultants in Houston and Visiting Associate Professor at Prairie View A&M University, is the author of Building Modern Houston. John C. Ferguson has taught at Trinity University and the School of Architecture, University of Texas at Arlington, and contributed to AIA guides to New Orleans and San Antonio. Cheryl Caldwell Ferguson is the author of the forthcoming volume Highland Park and River Oaks: The Origins of Garden Suburban Community Planning in Texas. Mario L. Sanchez is a historical architect with the Texas Department of Transportation and the coeditor of A Shared Experience: The History, Architecture, and Historic Designations of the Lower Rio Grande Heritage Corridor. Stephen Fox is a Fellow of the Anchorage Foundation of Texas.