Fourth Arolla Conference, Algebraic Topology, August 20-25, 2012, Arolla, Switzerland
Christian Ausoni, University of Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, France. Kathryn Hess, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland. Brenda Johnson, Union College, Schenectady, NY. Wolfgang Luck, University of Bonn, Germany. Jerome Scherer, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
Some properties of the Thom spectrum over loop suspension of complex projective space by A. Baker and B. Richter Rational equivariant rigidity by D. Barnes and C. Roitzheim Homotopy colimits of model categories by J. E. Bergner The cobordism category and Waldhausen's K-theory by M. Bokstedt and I. Madsen Idempotents, localizations and Picard groups of A(1)-modules by R. R. Bruner Covers of groups by W. Chacholski A relative h-principle via cobordism-like categories by E. Dotto Absolutely homotopy-cartesian squares by R. Eldred Koszul duality complexes for the cohomology of iterated loop spaces of spheres by B. Fresse Periodicity, compositions and EHP sequences by B. Gray Non-connective K- and Nil-spectra of additive categories by W. Luck and W. Steimle HE by J. Noel Calculating descent for 2-primary topological modular forms by V. Stojanoska Applications of functor (co)homology by A. Touze Constructing homotopy equivalences of chain complexes of free {Z}G-modules by L. Vokrinek.