"This is the best text on gloves and protective devices. It reports practical useful research on the topic of protective gloves for multi professions. In a time of infection control mythology, this factual book offers a fresh breath of reality. -Journal of the American Association of Forensic Dentists" This book is a 'must have' for anyone concerned with the use of gloves in the workplace as a means of protectionget yourself a copy of this book." -Health and Safety at Work, June 2005
Introduction Terminology and Abbreviations Prevention of Contact Dermatitis; Jan E Wahlberg and Howard I. Maibach Occupational Hygiene Assessments for the Use of Protective Gloves; S.Z. Mansdorf Gloves: Types, Materials and Manufacturing; Gunh A. Mellstroem and Anders Boman European Standards on Protective Gloves; Gunh A. Mellstroem and Girgitta Carlsson Protective Gloves for Occupational Use - US Rules, Regulations and Standards; Norman W. Henry III Japanese Regulations and Standards for Medical and Dental Grade Gloves; Curt Hamann, Pam Rodgers, and Kim Sullivan Testing for Protective Effect Against Liquid Chemicals; Gunh A. Mellstroem, Birgitta Carlsson, and Anders Boman Standard Quality Control Testing, Virus Penetration, and Glove Durability; LeRoy W. Schroeder, Donna L. Walsh, Matthew R. Schwerin, D. Colemann Richardson, Richard W. Kisielewski, and W. Howard Cyr In vivo Testing of the Protective Effect of Gloves; Cecilia Svedman and Magnus Bruze Irritation and Contact Dermatitis from Protective Gloves - An Overview; Jan E. Wahlberg Allergic Contact Dermatitis from Rubber and Plastic Gloves; Tuula Estlander and Riitta Jolanki Clinical Testing of Occupation-related Glove Sensitivity; An E. Goossens Management of Natural Rubber Latex Glove Sensitivity; Curt P. Hamann, Pamela A. Rodgers, and Kim M. Sullivan Allergic Responses to Powdered Natural Rubber Gloves in Health Care Workers; Susan M. Tarlo Other Reactions from Gloves; James S. Taylor and Apra Sood Occlusion versus Dermatitis; Hongbo Zhai and Howard I. Maibach Gloves and Dermal Exposure to Chemicals; John W. Cherrie, Sean Semple, and Derk Brouwer Practical Considerations When Selecting and Using Gloves for Chemical Protection; Chris L. Packham and Helen M. Packham Glove Selection for Work with UV/EB-curing Acrylates; Rob Zwanenburg, Riitta Jolanki, Erja Makela, and Tuula Estlander Chemical Permeation through Disposable Gloves; Erja Makela and Riitta Jolanki Gloves as Protection Against Microbial Contamination; Ulrika Ransjoe The Selection and Use of Gloves Against Agricultural Chemicals; Jesper Bo Nielsen Index