An astro-botanical guide to the magic, myth and medicine of plants
I hjärtat av vår existens finns ett universellt språk inkodat i allt från de minsta sandkornen till de mest avlägsna galaxerna. Helig geometri omger oss överallt. Varje litet mönster är en del av en större helhet, och dessa kosmiska mönster kan be...
Sacred Geometry exists all around us in the natural world, from the unfurling of a rose bud to the pattern of a tortoise shell, the sub-atomic to the galactic. A pure expression of number and form, it is the language of creation and navigates the ...
Jemma Foster is a wildcrafter, astrologer and practitioner of plant and vibrational medicine. As a multi-disciplinary artist and educator, her work explores more-than-human intelligence and interspecies communication. She actively advocates for the agency and rights of plants as conscious beings. She is the author of Sacred Geometry (2020) and Wild Alchemy Lab: An Astro-botanical Remedy Deck (2023), and founder of botanical studio Mama Xanadu and mixed-media publishing house Wild Alchemy Lab, and co-founder of award-winning film studio Semantica.