Approaches To Analysis And Design
Wilpert, Bernhard; Thoralf, Qvale
Part I: Conceptual Issues in Risk Management.J. Reason, Managing the Management Risk: New Approaches to Organizational Safety. R. Brehmer,Cognitive Aspects of Safety. J. Rasmussen,Learning from Experience? How? Some Research Issues in Industrial Risk Management. Part II: Analytical Approaches to Systems Safety.W.A. Wagenaar, A Model?Based Analysis of Automation Problems. B. Wilpert, P. Klumb, Social Dynamics, Organization and Management: Factors Contributing to System Safety. T. Wehner, Accident and Cognitive Structure. Part III. K?P. Timpe, Psychological Contributions for the Improvement of Safety and Reliability in the Man?Machine System. C. Poyet, J. Leplat, Mixed Technologies and Management of Reliability. W.A. Wagenaar, A.M. Souverejn, Patrick T.W. Hudson, Safety Management in Intensive Care Wards. R. Amalberti, Safety in Flight Operations. T. Qvale, Design for Safety and Productivity in Large Scale Industrial Projects: The Case of the Norwegian Offshore Oil Development. M. Baram, Industrial Technology, Chemical Accidents and Social Control.