A Gendered Disorder: Lessons from History. Seid, Too "Close to the Bone": The Historical Context for Women's Obsession with Slenderness. O.W. Wooley, ...And Man Created "Woman": Representations of Women's Bodies in Western Culture. Rothblum, "I'll Die for the Revolution But Don't Ask Me Not to Diet": Feminism and the Continuing Stigmatization of Obesity. Perlick, Silverstein, Faces of Female Discontent. Wolf, Hunger. A Place for the Female Body. Brigman, Four Generations of Women: Our Bodies and Lives. Katzman, When Reproductive and Productive Worlds Meet: Collision or Growth? Hutchinson, Imagining Ourselves Whole: A Feminist Approach to Treating Body Image Disorders. Treatment Issues: A Feminist Reanalysis. S.C. Wooley, Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders: The Hidden Debate. Burgard, Lyons, Alternatives in Obesity Treatment: Focusing on Health for Fat Women. Raymond, Mitchell, Fallon, Katzman, A Collaborative Approach to the Use of Medication. Sesan, Feminist Inpatient Treatment for Eating Disorders: An Oxymoron? Rabinor, Mothers, Daughters, and Eating Disorders: Honoring the Mother-Daughter Relationship. van Wormer, "Hi, I'm Jane, I'm a Compulsive Overeater". Reconstructing the Female Text. Tolman, Debold, Conflicts of Body and Image: Female Adolescents, Desires, and the No-Body Body. S.C. Wooley, The Female Therapist as Outlaw. Peters, Fallon, The Journey of Recovery: Dimensions of Change. Thompson, Food, Bodies, and Growing Up Female: Childhood Lessons about Culture, Race, and Class. Possibility. Steiner-Adair, The Politics of Prevention. Kilbourne, Still Killing Us Softly: Advertising and the Obsession with Thinness. Shisslak, Crago, Toward a New Model for the Prevention of Eating Disorders. Striegel-Moore, Toward a Feminist Research Agenda in the Psychological Research on Eating Disorders.