Structural Change and Social Action in Sub-Saharan Africa
Per Trulsson his present position is ILO/SIYB Regional Project Office for the Start and Improve Your Business Programme, Harare, Zimbabwe
Contents: Theoretical Inroads: Structural change and social action in sub-Saharan Africa: an introduction, Boel Berner and Per Trulsson; Uncertainty in Africa: shifting paradigms and levels of analysis, Goran Hyden. Redefining Boundaries: The African nation state: an elusive challenge, Anders Nrman; Ethnicity and politics in Cameroon: a new kind of uncertainty in the 1990s, Antoine Socpa; Naming and claiming: land-authorising strategies in post-independence Zimbabwe, Amanda Hammar. Individual and Group Strategies: Entrepreneurs as path-finders in processes of social change, Per Trulsson; Knowledge for sale? The politics of university education reform in Africa, with a Nigerian example, Said Adejumobi; The way of the bricoleur, Tanya Elder; Pastoralists Manoeuvring in the drought-ridden Sahel, Mette Bovin. Understanding African Uncertainties and Beyond: Everything can be negotiated: ambiguities and challenges in a time of uncertainty, Achille Mbembe; Manoeuvring in uncertainty: on agency, strategies and negotiations, Boel Berner. Index.