Short (Domestic) Fiction
This volume of essays explores the multiple forms and functions of reading and writing in nineteenth-century Ireland. This century saw a dramatic transition in literacy levels and in the education and language practices of the Irish population, ye...
Volume 11 Part III: Novellas and Shorter Fiction, Essays on Life-Writing and History, Essays on European Literature and Culture: Short (Domestic) Fiction; Introduction Select Bibliography From Blackwoods Magazine (December 1871January1872) The Two Mrs Scudamores From Cornhill Magazine (NovemberDecember 1872) The Scientific Gentleman From Cornhill Magazine ( JanuaryFebruary 1886) Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond From Cornhill Magazine (AprilMay 1888) Mr Sandford From Cornhill Magazine (AugustSeptember 1893) A Widows Tale From St Jamess Gazette ( JuneJuly 1894) A Story of a Wedding-Tour; From Blackwoods Magazine (March 1896) The Heirs of Kellie. An Episode of Family History From The Ways of Life (1897) A Preface: On the Ebb Tide Editorial Notes, Textual Variants, Silent Corrections