Readings in the Anthropology of Dietary Practices
Highlighting the practical and nutritional facts readers want to know, The Concise Encyclopedia covers the whole gamut of foods, health, and nutrition. The topics are arranged alphabetically and cross-referenced, provide alternative names, and are...
In Famine (1981), a collection of essays by experts from the developing world and advanced agricultural societies, the authors share their ecological perspectives and provide an insight into the multiple causes of famine. They examine the fact tha...
John R.K. Robson Medical University o f South Carolina
INTRODUCTION, Some Nutritional Aspects of the Philippine Tasaday Diet, Diet and the Tiruray Shift from Swidden to Plow Farming, New Guinea Sago Gatherers, Dimensions of Sandawe Diet, Diet of the Maoris of New Zealand, The Ecology of the Nutrition of the Bapedi, Sekhukuniland, Food, Illness and Folk Medicine: Insights from Ulu Trengganu, West Malaysia, Food Taboos of Childbirth: The Malay Example, Eskimo Story-knife Tales: Reflections of Change in Food Habits, The Determinants of Dairying and Milk Use in the Old World: Ecological, Physiological, and Cultural, Food Avoidances at Puberty and Menstruation in Tamilnad, Food Avoidances of Pregnant Women in Tamilnad, Food Avoidances during the Puerperium and Lactation in Tamilnad, The Sacred Cow and the Constitution of India, INDEX