Belief and Society through Time [3 volumes]
Gary Scott Smith is professor of history emeritus at Grove City College. He has won awards for his teaching and is author or editor of 15 books.
Preface, Acknowledgments, Introduction, Chronology, Volume 1: Colonial Era to the Civil War Thematic Essays, African Americans and Religion, Colonial Era to the Civil War, The Bible in America, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Domestic Life, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Religion and Economics, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Religion and Education, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Ethnic American Religious Beliefs and Practices, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Religion and Literature, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Native Americans and Religion, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Religion and Politics, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Women and Religion, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Entries, Adams, Samuel (17221803), African Methodist Episcopal Church, Allen, Ethan (17381789), Allen, Richard (17601831), American Bible Society, The American Revolution, America's Christian Origins, Anabaptists, Asbury, Francis (17451816), Backus, Isaac (17241806), Baptists, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Beecher, Lyman (17751863), The Benevolent Empire, Boardman, William Edwin (18101886), Boudinot, Elias (17401821), Bradstreet, Anne (16121672), Brainerd, David (17181747), Calvert, Cecil (16051675), Campbell, Alexander (17881866), Carroll, Charles (17371832), Carroll, John (17351815), Cartwright, Peter (17851872), Channing, William Ellery (17801842), Chauncy, Charles (17051787), The Civil War, Colonial American Religion, Colwell, Stephen (18001871), Congregationalism, Cotton, John (15841652), Davies, Samuel (17231761), Deism, Disciples of Christ, Duffield, George (17941868), Dutch Reformed, Dwight, Timothy (17521817), Edwards, Jonathan (17031758), Election of 1800, Eliot, John (16041690), Emerson, Ralph Waldo (18031882), Enlightenment's Influence in America, Faith of the Founders, Finney, Charles (17921875), The First Great Awakening, Franklin, Benjamin (17061790), Frelinghuysen, Theodorus (16921747), The German Reformed, Grimk, Angelina Emily (18051879), Gurney, Joseph John (17881847), Halfway Covenant, Handsome Lake (17351815), Hicks, Elias (17481830), Hodge, Charles (17971878), Hopkins, Samuel (17211803), Hutchinson, Anne (15911643), Jackson, Thomas "Stonewall." (18241863), Jay, John (17451829), Jefferson, Thomas (17431826), Jesuits, Judson, Adoniram (17881850), Langdon, Samuel (17231797), Lay, Benjamin (16811759), Lee, Ann (17361784), Lincoln, Abraham (18091865), Lovejoy, Elijah (18021837), Makemie, Francis (ca. 16581708), Mather, Cotton (16631728), Mather, Increase (16391723), Mayhew, Jonathan (17201766), Mayhew, Thomas, Jr. (ca. 16201657), McGready, James (17631817), Missions to the Native Americans, Moravians, Mott, Lucretia (17931880), Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior (17111787), Neolin (c. 1720s-c. 1770s?), Nettleton, Asahel (17831844), Nevin, John Williamson (18031886), Occom, Samson (17231792), Palmer, Phoebe (18071874), Penn, William (16441718), Predestination, Presbyterians, Colonial Era to the Civil War, Puritans, Quakers, Salem Witch Trials, Schlatter, Michael (17161790), The Second Great Awakening, Seton, Elizabeth Ann (17741821), Slavery, Smith, Henry Boynton (18151877), Smith, Joseph (18051844), Smohalla (ca. 18151895), Sorin, Edward (18141893), Stearns, Shubal (17061771), Stiles, Ezra (17271795), Stone, Barton (17721844), Stowe, Harriet Beecher (18111896), Tappan, Arthur (17861865), Taylor, Edward (16421729), Taylor, Nathaniel William (17861858), Tegahkouita, Catherine (16561680), Temperance Movement, Tennent, Gilbert (17031764), Tenskwatawa (ca. 17751836), Thornwell,