Developing Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Ethics / Nurssing Ethics Pedagogy and Praxis / Politics and Future Directions of Nursing Ethics
"The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is delighted to see the development of this comprehensive source that will serve as an important resource for ethicists, researchers and nurses in all fields. The first of its kind to bring together the foundational ethical articles of the nursing profession, this collection includes leading works on nursing ethics which have had a profound influence on the international development of nursing ethics. An essential component of this work is the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses, a guide for action, based on social values and needs, which serves as the standard for nurses worldwide."
"Nursing ethics provides guidance for nurses in their professional conduct and practice, particularly heightened in the clinical decision-making process and when being confronted with complex ethical quandaries that require prudence to deal with. The three volumes of this collection is a rich and comprehensive resource ranged from fundamental concepts to insights of ethical issues based on theoretical, cross-cultural, social justice and humanitarian perspectives for building ethical competence among nurses."
This publication is a major contribution to nursing ethics. The collection of articles emphasizes and will encourage ongoing comprehensive scholarly discussion in the field. It will be useful for nurses and other health professionals in all settings internationally.
Professor Johnstone has done a great service to the nursing profession world-wide through this major reference work, nurturing the fledgling academic discipline of Nursing Ethics into the light of day. The three volumes of readings, carefully selected from journals spanning the late 1800s to the present day, represent a scholar’s response to the skeptic’s question:”Is there a Nursing Ethics?” as distinct from Medical Ethics or Bioethics.
To those interested in studying/teaching nursing ethics in schools/colleges of nursing or enhancing their understanding of its importance as a discipline in its own right, this reference work will be an excellent resource. The selections explore the evolution of the nursing ethics discourse from early scholarly debates on “professional ethics, institutional constraints and nursing practice” to the present-day felt need for a “context-sensitive, culturally pluralistic framework”, and the challenge to a future focus beyond the nurse-patient relationship to “broader social justice and humanitarian concerns”. The work will be a valuable addition to the libraries of all nurses, academics and researchers, especially in regions where nursing is widely sought as a profession, but where the “Nursing Ethics” back-up is either missing or needs...
VOLUME ONE: DEVELOPING THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR NURSING ETHICS Part One: Ethics and Etiquette The Ethics of Nursing: Talks of a Superintendent with Her Graduating Class - HCC Ethics - Or a Code of Ethics? - Lavinia Dock Ethics in Nursing - Isabel McIsaac A Question in Ethics - M. M. Taylor Ethics of Nursing - Alice Clamageran Part Two: Codes, Oaths and Pledges Developing a Code of Ethics for the Nursing Profession - Paul Limbert Is the Professional Code Still The Cornerstone of Clinical Nursing Practice? - Philip Esterhuizen Professional Codes in a Changing Nursing Context: Literature Review - Tom Meulenbergs, Ellen Verpeet, Paul Schotsmans and Chris Gastmans Symbols and Ethics: Integrity and the Discipline of Nursing - Constance Milton Part Three: Concepts, definitions and theories of nursing ethics Ethics - Concepts and Practice - Rebecca Bergman The Search for a Conceptual Framework as a Philosophic Basis for Nursing Ethics: An Examination of Code, Contract, Context, and Covenant - Marjorie Stenberg The Moral Foundation of Nursing - Roland Yarling and Beverly McElmurry The Moral Foundation of Nursing: Yarling and McElmurry and Their Critics - Gary Foulk and M. Jan Keffer Caring, Virtue Theory, and a Foundation for Nursing Ethics - Pamela Salsberry Towards a Strong Virtue Ethics for Nursing Practice - Alan Armstrong The Trouble with Caring: A Review of Eight Arguments Against an Ethic of Care - Nancy Crigger Existential Advocacy: Philosophical Foundation of Nursing - Sally Gadow Nursing Considered as Moral Practice: A Philosophical-Ethical Interpretation of Nursing - Chris Gastmans, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle and Paul Schotsmans A Pluralist View of Nursing Ethics - Joan McCarthy An Ethical Framework for Nursing Practice: Parse's Human becoming Theory - F Beryl Pilkington Rogerian Ethics: an Ethical Inquiry into Roger's Life and Science - Howard Butcher The Ethics of Orem's Theory - Susan Taylor and Nelda Godfrey A Theory of Goal Attainment: Philosophical and Ethical Implications - Imogene King Ethical Issues from Nursing Theoretical Perspectives - Constance Milton VOLUME TWO: NURSING ETHICS PEDAGOGY AND PRAXIS Part One: Nursing ethics pedagogy Teaching Ethics in Nursing Curricula: Traditional and Contemporary Models - Sara Fry Preface to Ethical dilemmas and nursing practice - Anne Davis and Mila Aroskar Preface to Nursing Ethics - Ian Thompson, Kath Melia and Kenneth Boyd Preface to Bioethics: A Nursing Perspective - Megan-Jane Johnstone Preface to Case Studies in Nursing Ethics - Sara Fry, Robert Veatch and Carol Taylor Nursing Ethics: Theories and Pragmatics - Leah Curtin Becoming a Nurse: the Ethical Perspective - Ann Woodruff Being, Doing, and Knowing: Developing Ethical Competence in Health Care - Stefan Eriksson, Gert Helgesson and Anna Hoglund A Fundamental Ethical Approach to Nursing: Some Proposals for Ethics Education - Chris Gastmans Encompassing Multiple Moral Paradigms: A Challenge for Nursing Educators - Elizabeth Caldwell, Hongyan Lu and Thomas Harding Part Two: Nursing ethics praxis The Relationship of Education and Moral Reasoning to Ethical Practice: A Meta-Analysis of Quantitative Studies - Shake Ketefian Nurses' Ethical Reasoning and Behaviour: A Literature Review - Sabine Goethals, Chris Gastmans and Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle Part Three: Quandary Ethics in Nursing Ethics Pedagogy And Praxis Nursing's Most Pressing Moral Issue - Terry Pence Everyday Nursing Concerns: Unique? Trivial? Or Essential to Health Care Ethics? - Carol Taylor Professional Ethics and Institutional Constraints in Nursing Practice - Anne Davis and Mila Aroskar Introduction: Ethics, Nursing, and the Crisis in Health Care - Andrew Jameton Dilemmas of Moral Distress: Moral Responsibility and Nursing Practice - Andrew Jameton Moral Distress in Nursing Practice: Experience and Effect - Judith Wilkins