Reverend Dorothy Frances Wood received her Ministry Degree from The Jameson Bible Institute of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2005. She has had a longstanding interest in Early Childhood and Adolescence Education. She taught for four years youth in both academics and ministry. During this time she found her passion to be an author. With her passion for children and her love of Christ she wrote her first book Samuels New Suit. This new childrens book teaches children of the importance of accepting Christ at early age and being prepared to combat the enemy of their souls. Samuels New Suit stresses the importance for both our young children and our youth that there is a real enemy that will do anything to keep them from following Gods will for their lives. Ephesians 6:12 speaks of the amour that we all must wear and the significance of each piece. Each piece is designated to prevent the onslaught of the Satans arsenals, and the weapons we have at our disposal to fight back Her next book Samuel New Adventure has lots more in store for its fans. Samuel has his armor but life still has lessons for him to learn. Samuel New Adventure will be out in the summer of 2013 Reverend Dorothy Wood worked for the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia Department of Oncology with children who suffer from varies forms of Cancer. She graduated from The Jameson Evangelistic Association She earned her degree in Early Childhood Education from the Community college of Philadelphia, Pa. Her ministry encompasses both the young as well as the old She is an Associate Minister at The Church of Christian Compassion Philadelphia, Pennsylvania under the tutelage of Pastor William Lonnie Herndon. She is also the mother of two beautiful daughters, Terez and DeYuanna. Minister Wood is available for speaking engagements; please contact her via email,