Science and Practice
"A scholarly tour de force... The practitioner will be able to pick and choose chapters according to his or her populations of interest, understand base rates and epidemiology, and even track down intervention protocols proven effective for particular patients. Clinical scientists or laboratories devoted to trauma research will have at their disposal in the Handbook a transparently generous guide to programmatic research." - PsycCRITIQUES "Highly organized, balanced, evidence-based, and comprehensive... An essential resource for anyone who works as a clinician or researcher in the trauma field, and it is recommended for residency and graduate training programs... Irrespective of the reader's school of thought, discipline, or level of training, this book provides a multitude of ways to enrich and inspire a better understanding of this complex field." - New England Journal of Medicine
Edited by Matthew J. Friedman, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Dartmouth Medical School, USA and National Center for PTSD, White River Junction VA Medical Center, USA, Terence M. Keane, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine, USA and National Center for PTSD, VA Boston Healthcare System, USA and Patricia A. Resick, PhD, National Center for PTSD, VA Boston Healthcare System, USA and Department of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Part I: Historical Overview. Friedman, Resick, Keane, PTSD: Twenty-Five Years of Progress and Challenges. van der Kolk, The History of Trauma in Psychiatry. Monson, Friedman, La Bash, A Psychological History of PTSD. Part II: Scientific Foundations and Theoretical Perspectives. Cahill, Foa, Psychological Theories of PTSD. Norris, Slone, The Epidemiology of Trauma and PTSD. Vogt, King, King, Risk Pathways for PTSD: Making Sense of the Literature. Brewin, Remembering and Forgetting. DePrince, Freyd, Trauma-induced Dissociation. Neumeister, Henry, Krystal, Neurocircuitry and Neuroplasticity in PTSD. Southwick, Davis, Aikins, Rasmusson, Barron, Morgan III, Neurobiological Alterations Associated with PTSD. Segman, Shalev, Gelernter, Gene-Environment Interactions: Twin Studies and Gene Research in the Context of PTSD. Kimerling, Ouimette, Weitlauf, Gender Issues in PTSD. Fairbank, Putnam, Harris, The Prevalence and Impact of Child Traumatic Stress. Cook, Niederehe, Trauma in Older Adults. Part III: Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based State of the Art. Keane, Brief, Pratt, Miller, Assessment of PTSD and Its Comorbidities in Adults. Litz, Maguen, Early Intervention for Trauma. Resick, Monson, Gutner, Psychosocial Treatments for PTSD. Saxe, MacDonald, Ellis, Psychosocial Approaches for Children with PTSD. Friedman, Davidson, Pharmacotherapy for PTSD. Schnurr, Green, Kaltman, Trauma Exposure and Physical Health. Osterman, de Jong, Cultural Issues and Trauma. Part IV: Uncharted Territory. Sparr, Pitman, PTSD and the Law. Welch, Rothbaum, Emerging Treatments for PTSD. Layne, Warren, Watson, Shalev, Risk, Vulnerability, Resistance, and Resilience: Toward an Integrative Conceptualization of Posttraumatic Adaptation. Watson, Gibson, Ruzek, Public Mental Health Interventions Following Disasters and Mass Violence. Friedman, Resick, Keane, Key Questions and an Agenda for Future Research.