Toward a New Era in Education Reform
Everyone talks about education reform, but systemic thinking about reform is lacking until now."Teacher Quality 2.0"provides rich historical context, pulls together successful elements of current reforms, and then pioneers new, systemic ways of thinking about the third rail of education teacher quality. A must-read for anyone serious about real and lasting reform for all kids. Rick Ogston, CEO, Carpe Diem Schools" Recent changes in the state and federal stance toward teaching have been nothing short of a policy revolution. But revolutions in policy do not solve all of the underlying problems, and they create new problems of their own."Teacher Quality 2.0"provides useful insights and new ideas on where the teacher quality revolution needs to go next. Douglas N. Harris, associate professor of economics and director of The Education Research Alliance for New Orleans, Tulane University "
Frederick M. Hess is a resident scholar and director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Michael Q. McShane is a research fellow in education policy studies at AEI.
CONTENTS IntroductIon 1 Michael Q. McShane, Frederick M. Hess, and Taryn Hochleitner PART I: FROM TEACHER QUALITY 0.0 TO TEACHER QUALITY 2.0 1 The Hangover: The Unintended Consequences of the Nation's Teacher Evaluation Binge 19 Sara Mead, Andrew Rotherham, and Rachael Brown PART II: ELEMENTS OF A NEW SYSTEM 2 Staffing Design: The Missing Key to Teacher Quality 2.0 45 Bryan C. Hassel, Emily Ayscue Hassel, and Sharon Kebschull Barrett 3 HR with a Purpose: Building Talent for Distinct Schools and Networks 69 Betheny Gross and Michael DeArmond 4 Closing the Opportunity Gap: Preparing the Next Generation of Effective Teachers 91 Billie Gastic 5 Professionalization 2.0: The Case for Plural Professionalization in Education 109 Jal Mehta and Steven Teles PART III: When Policy Meets Practice 6 Improving Teacher Quality in Online Schools: More Than a Revolution at the Margins? 135 Dennis Beck and Robert Maranto 7 The Role of Collective Bargaining Agreements in the Implementation of Education Reforms: Perils and Possibilities 155 Katharine O. Strunk 8 The Future of Value-Added: From Whether to How Matthew DiCarlo 9 Unfinished Lessons? What We Can--and Can't--Learn from Innovations in Teacher Quality in Other Countries 203 Jonathan Plucker 10 Into the Looking Glass: Teacher Quality Research over the Next Decade 219 Dan Goldhaber Conclusion: Making Room for Both Trains and Planes 239 Michael Q. McShane and Taryn Hochleitner Notes 253 Acknowledgments 275 About the Editors 277 About the Contributors 279 Index 287