Under new editorship and with a broader scope, the latest issue of the long-running journal from Hippocampus Press offers a bonanza of material for the enthusiast of Horror and the Weird in The Arts.
Bestarred with Fainting Flowers ..... Daniel Pietersen
Symbolism and Myth in the Work of R. Murray Gilchrist
The “V” Word ..... Jose Cruz
T. E. Grau, They Don’t Come Home Anymore
Shadows with Teeth ..... Darrell Schweitzer
Ellen Datlow, ed. The Best Horror of the Year, Volume 8
Existential and Ontological Horror ..... S. T. Joshi
Joel Lane, This Spectacular Darkness: Critical Essays, ed. Mark Valentine and John Howard
In the Heliotherapy Ward ..... Amber Doll Diaz
David F. Sandberg, Lights Out
The Horror in the Card Catalog . S. T. Joshi
Darrell Schweitzer and John Ashmead, ed. Tales from the Miskatonic University Library
Southern Discomfort and the Ubiquitous Undead ..... Stephanie Graves
Eric Gary Anderson, Taylor Hagood, and Daniel Cross Turner, ed. Undead Souths: The Gothic and Beyond in Southern Literature and Culture
Forever I’m Alone with You ..... Jose Cruz
Lynda E. Rucker, You’ll Know When You Get There
Stranger Things: A Conversation between Bev Vincent and Hank Wagner
Terrors of the Natural World ..... S. T. Joshi
Richard Gavin, Sylvan Dread: Tales of Pastoral Darkness
Ramsey’s Rant: Remembering Kirby ..... Ramsey Campbell
Psychosexual Syzygy: Checking in at the Bates Motel ..... Gavin Callaghan
Bates Motel, Seasons 1 through 5
Terror for Children ..... Taij Devon
Aric Cushing, Vampire Boy
The Homely Commonplace and the Unimaginably Deranged: J. G. Ballard’s High Rise ..... Alexander Lugo
The Resurgence of Weird Magazines ..... Ashley Dioses
The Final Work of Mark Fisher ..... James Machin
Mark Fisher, The Weird and the Eerie
SMASH EVERYTHING! Bobby Rhodes and His Demons
Nathan Chazan
THINKING HORROR: An Exchange with s. j. bagley ..... Alex Houstoun
Pastiches of Pastiches S. T. Joshi
Brian M. Sammons and Glynn Owen Barrass, ed. The Children of Gla’aki: A Tribute to Ramsey Campbell’s Great Old One
About the Contributors