Special Issue of the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Building on the success of two earlier best-selling editions from 2003 and 2011, this benchmark text and highly cited reference work now appears in its third edition. This book is a research-based resource on key aspects of workplace bullying and ...
Mobbing bullying or harassment, a severe form of social stressor at work, has become a topic of widespread public interest in several European countries. Mobbing includes minor social conflicts such as socially isolating a person, rumours, or givi...
D. Zapf, S. Einarsen, Bullying in the Workplace: Recent Trends in Research and Practice - An Introduction. A.P.D. Liefooghe, K. Mackenzie Davey, Accounts of Workplace Bullying: The Role of the Organization. E.G. Mikkelsen, S. Einarsen, Bullying in Danish Work-life: Prevalence and Health Correlates. A.B. Hubert, M. van Veldhoven, Risk Sectors for Undesirable Behaviour and Mobbing. D. Salin, Prevalence and Forms of Bullying Among Business Professionals: A Comparison of Two Different Strategies for Measuring Bullying. H. Hoel, C.L. Cooper, B. Faragher, The Experience of Bullying in Great Britain: The Impact of Organizational Status. S.B. Matthiesen, S. Einarsen, MMPI-2 Configurations Among Victims of Bullying at Work. A. Hogh, A. Dofradottir, Coping with Bullying in the Workplace. D. Zapf, C. Gross, Conflict Escalation and Coping with Workplace Bullying: A Replication and Extension.