Translation is a very important tool in our multilingual world. Excellent translation is a sine qua non in the work of the Swedish Academy, responsible for the Nobel Prize in Literature. In order to establish a forum for discussing fundamental asp...
Part 1 Literature: a cat's meow, J. Brodsky; a mouse's defence - discussion of Joseph Brodsky's paper "A Cat's Meow", K. Espmark; Montrous intimacy - of literature as experience - discussion of Joseph Brodsky's paper, J. Kristeva; the invisible intervention - discussion of Joseph Brodsky's paper, P. Taidrup; ark, P. Taidrup; discussion of Joseph Brodsky's paper, A. Ellegard. Part 2 General linguistics: on language in relation to the evolution of human consciousness, M.A.K. Halliday; discussion of M.A.K. Halliday's paper. O. Dahl; semiosis - language(s), texts/discourses and grammar/s; discussion of M.A.K. Halliday's paper, J. Sandor; discussion of M.A.K. Halliday's paper, S. Ohman. Part 3 Psycholinguistics: accessing the mind through language, W. Chafe; minds, modules and evolution - discussion of Wallace Chafe's paper, J. Aitchison; and there was snow, chest high, at Tuolomne Meadows - discussion of Wallace Chafe's paper, J. Asplund; speaking about the inner environment - discussion of Wallace Chafe's paper, P. Gardenfors. Part 4 Neurology: language and the brain - a look at brain circuitry with functional brain imaging, M. Raichle; discussion of Marcus E. Raichle's paper "Language and the Brain - a look at Brain circuitry with functional brain imaging", A. Ellegard; language and consciousness - neurolinguistic and clinical aspects - discussion of Marcus E. Raichle's paper, D.H. Ingvar; understanding understanding? - brain imaging and experimental semantics - discussion of Marcus E. Raichle's paper, T. Norretranders. Part 4 Artificial intelligence: speechstuff and thoughtstuff - musing on the resonances created by words and phrases via the subliminal perception of their buried parts, D.R. Hofstadter; language and mind as topics in natural science - discussion of Douglas R. Hofstadter's paper, P. Kanerva; discussion of Douglas R. Hofstadter's paper, U. Linde; IT-ism - discussion of Douglas R. Hofstadter's paper, P. Weissglas; and other papers.