Integrated Approaches to Helping Children at Home and at School
Ruth Schmidt Neven is a child psychotherapist and Director for the Centre of Child and Family Development in Melbourne. She was previously Chief Psychotherapist at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. In England, she was founder and co-director of Exploring Parenthood. ..Dr. Vicki Anderson is a developmental neuropsychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne, and a Senior Research and Clinical Psychologist at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. ..Tim Godber, a psychologist and teacher, lectures in psychological assessment and health psychology at La Trobe University.
1 Rethinking ADHD: An illness in our time..2 Neuropsychology and the diagnostic dilemmas of ADHD..3 A critique of the medical model..4 Risk factors fro the developing child: A psychodynamic approach..5 The capacity for attention and the developmental process..6 The concept of self-regulation: Creating links between a neuropsychological and a psychodynamic approach..7 ADHD in a public health context..8 Coming full circle: Towards a new paradigm for helping children, parents and families..9 Recommendations for a multidisciplinary approach to ADHD..Appendix 1: DSM-IV criteria for ADHD..Appendix 2: ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders criteria..Glossary ..References..Index