Feminist Engagements with Law and Subjectivity
Rosemary Hunter, Griffith Law School & Sharon Cowan, School of Law, University of Edinburgh
'Introduction: Historicizing Choice and Consent' Maria Drakopoulou (University of Kent, England); PART ONE: THEORIZING CHOICE AND CONSENT: 'Women's autonomy' Louise du Toit (University of Johannesburg, South Africa); 'Caught between the public and the private: can family law escape the Father?' Anl Boshoff (University of Johannesburg, South Africa); 'Cogito ergo sum never brought anyone into the world: the politics of consent' Karin van Marle (University of Pretoria, South Africa); 'Freedom and capacity to make a choice: reframing of the concept of consent' Sharon Cowan (University of Edinburgh, Scotland); PART TWO: OPERATIONALIZING CHOICE AND CONSENT: 'Stories of mistaken consent' Heather Douglas (Griffith University, Australia); 'Without consent: trafficking in women' Olga Palevich (University of Kent, England); 'The choice is yours, or is it?' Hazel Biggs (University of Lancaster, England) [TBC]; 'Girl children and consent to medical treatment' Devina Perumal (University of Natal, South Africa); 'The personal is economic: equality, federalism and choice in the maternity and parental leave debate' Gillian Calder (University of Victoria, Canada); 'Consent in violent relationships' Rosemary Hunter (Griffith University, Australia);