These chapters insightfully exemplify that the potential of human security is far-reaching and wide-ranging in its application, which allows us to realize that the concept of human security can be relevant to any situation or circumstance in both developing and developed countries as citizens in any state can be exposed to serious crime, social marginalization and discrimination, terrorism, or other human rights violations. Though the concept of human security is not a panacea for all concerns of insecurity and vulnerability, this book successfully proves, by demonstrating the complexity and multi-dimensionality of problems human beings face, that it can be a useful and significant framework to analyse and address them. ... I would strongly recommend this book for its excellence in highlighting a comprehensive and thorough examination on human security both conceptually and practically, which enables us to envisage its great potential of contribution made for a just and harmonious and more humane world. - Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security - Juichiro Tanabe
MALCOLM MCINTOSH is Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at Griffith University, Australia. Professor ALAN HUNTER is Director of the Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies at Coventry University, UK.
Foreword Ramesh Thakur, Waterloo University, Canada Foreword. Human security and business: conflicts, human mobility and governance Mehrnaz Mostafavi, Human Security Unit, UN, USA Introductions1. Perspectives on human security: The emergent construct Malcolm McIntosh Asia Pacific Centre for Sustainable Enterprise, Griffith University, Australia, and Alan Hunter Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK 2. Human security and global governance: The calculated mismanagement of life David Roberts, Social and Policy Research Institute, University of Ulster, UK 3. Operationalising human security: A brief review of the United Nations Hitomi Kubo, Sciences Po, France Human security and health4. The securitisation of HIV/AIDS: Human security, global health security and the rise of biopolitics Hazel R. Barrett, Coventry University, UK 5. Human security and healthcare in the USA Deepayan Basu Ray, Independent Consultant The environmental imperative, sustainable enterprise and human security6. "Radical change and unknown territory": The sustainable enterprise economy and human security Malcolm McIntosh, Asia Pacific Centre for Sustainable Enterprise, Griffith University, Australia 7. Sustainable enterprise and human security Nicky Black, University of Waikato, New Zealand 8. The UN Global Compact as a catalyst for human security: A proposal from Japan for CPR (corporate peace responsibility) Yasunobu Sato and Dylan Scudder, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan 9. Human security and oil in post-conflict Angola Liliane Mouan, Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK 10. Coltan mining and conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Miho Taka, Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK Human security, relations and community11. Neurons and nations: Attachment and human security Marci Green, University of Wolverhampton, UK 12. From security barriers to reconciliation? Co-existence as a prerequisite of human security Sarah Green and Alan Hunter, Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK Human security and responsibility to protect (R2P)13. Responsibility to protect Vesselin Popovski, Institute for Sustainability and Peace, United Nations University, Japan 14. African police: Failing agents of human security Bruce Baker, African Studies Centre, Coventry University, UK 15. Human security crisis in India: From the fiery field of a conflict zone Manish K. Jha, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India 16. Local order and human security after the proliferation of automatic rifles in East Africa Toru Sagawa, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science