Precalculus is adaptable and designed to fit the needs of a variety of precalculus courses. It is a comprehensive text that covers more ground than a typical one- or two-semester college-level precalculus course. The content is organized by clearly-defined learning objectives, and includes worked examples that demonstrate problem-solving approaches in an accessible way. Coverage and Scope
Precalculus contains twelve chapters, roughly divided into three groups.
Chapters 1-4 discuss various types of functions, providing a foundation for the remainder of the course.
Chapter 1: Functions
Chapter 2: Linear Functions
Chapter 3: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Chapters 5-8 focus on Trigonometry. In Precalculus, we approach trigonometry by first introducing angles and the unit circle, as opposed to the right triangle approach more commonly used in College Algebra and Trigonometry courses.
Chapter 5: Trigonometric Functions
Chapter 6: Periodic Functions
Chapter 7: Trigonometric Identities and Equations
Chapter 8: Further Applications of Trigonometry
Chapters 9-12 present some advanced Precalculus topics that build on topics introduced in chapters 1-8. Most Precalculus syllabi include some of the topics in these chapters, but few include all. Instructors can select material as needed from this group of chapters, since they are not cumulative.
Chapter 9: Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 10: Analytic Geometry
Chapter 11: Sequences, Probability and Counting Theory