Celebrate the most thrilling adventures of your favorite ponies and storylines, curated from the popular IDW comics in this accessibly priced all-ages compilation graphic novel.
These collections gather short stories perfect for readers wanting more fun tales from Ponyville: up first, four stories featuring Twilight Sparkle! From Twilight’s first day at Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns to showing her own students the power of friendship, revisit some of the magic that makes Twilight the Princess of Friendship!
CollectsMy Little Pony: Friendship is Magicissues #4, #40, and #84 andMy Little Pony: Friends Foreverissue #4 by Katie Cook, Andy Price, Rob Anderson, Amy Mebberson, Ted Anderson, Brenda Hickey, Christina Rice, and Toni Kuusisto.