Little Men

Little Men

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'Little Men' recounts the life of Jo: the second and most temperamental of the March sisters, known from 'Little Women' and 'Good Wives'.
Now a married woman with two sons of her own, and twelve rescued orphan boys filling the informal school at Plumfield, she couldn't be happier. Together with its sequel 'Jo's Boys', the 'March Family' tetralogy has been one of the most widely read in the world. It has inspired numerous adaptations including a 2019 movie starring Emma Watson with six Academy Award nominations.

Louisa May Alcott (1832 - 1888) was an American novelist, short story writer and poet.Having grown up in poverty, May Alcott was a passionate advocate for women's rights and abolitionist. She is best known as the author of the March Family Series: 'Little Women', 'Good Wives', 'Little Men' and 'Jo's Boys'. The story of the March sisters has inspired numerous adaptations including a 2019 movie starring Emma Watson with six Academy Award nominations.