French Ways and their Meaning

French Ways and their Meaning

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'French Ways and their Meaning" is part guidebook and part tribute to Wharton"s beloved France. While living there during the First World War, Wharton decided to write a collection of essays about the French, to enlighten the English and American troops who were to find themselves stationed there. Often funny, and always perceptive, Wharton not only beautifully captures the cities and countryside but the spirit of the French. A superb read for Francophiles, Wharton fans, and those with an interest in 20th Century history.

Edith Wharton (1862 - 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America"s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.